December 19th, Burr Ridge CCSD 180 celebrated the installation of our large solar array on the roof of Burr Ridge Middle School. Representatives from PSG, our solar installers, came to teach our students all about solar energy. They covered the history of solar energy, parts of a solar panel, the benefits of solar energy, and the future of solar. PSG even had large and small solar panels to show the students. At the end of their presentation, students asked a lot of great questions about solar energy, solar panels, careers in solar energy, and the newly installed array. We were lucky enough to be joined by DuPage County Board Members Lucy Chang Evans and Kari Galassi, DuPage ROE Superintendent Amber Quirk, and Mary LeCompte, a representative for House Representative Nicole La Ha. Also in attendance were school board members Amanda Frankel, Colleen McCormack, and Jennifer Greiss.
Click here to view CCSD180's Solar Panel Data.