Guest Teacher Salary 2024-2025
As of January 22, 2024 all Burr Ridge 180 Guest (Substitute) Teachers will receive a total of $160 for each day of Guest Teaching (substituting). This new salary applies to guest (substitute) teachers and guest (substitute) aides.
Long-term guest teachers (i.e., maternity leaves) will receive the per diem rate of Lane 1 Step 1 per day after their 30th consecutive day in the same classroom. Long-term guest teachers are responsible for lesson planning and grading. Long-term guest teachers are usually assigned to substitute for one teacher who’s on an extended leave. The 2024-2025 Long term rate is $271.15 per day.
Applications for guest teachers can be found on the district’s website on the Board of Education Tab under Employment Opportunities.
We hope you will consider joining our team of education professionals in bringing quality educational opportunities to the Burr Ridge CCSD 180 community.