CCSD180 Names New Anne M. Jeans Principal, Dr. Jacqueline Menoni.
4 days ago, CCSD180
Dr. Menoni- New AMJE Principal
Save the date to become an Everyday Hero, March 4th at AMJ.
1 day ago, CCSD180
Become an Everyday Hero March 4 2025
Please join us for CCSD180's annual STEAM Night on Thursday, February 27th from 6:00-7:00 pm at AMJE. We'll be showcasing the great projects students have completed this year along with the incredible tools and equipment students are learning with. There will also be fun activities and snacks for students and parents to enjoy. We hope to see you there!
1 day ago, Steve Braband
STEAM Night 2025
So proud of these 5 students!! They did an amazing job yesterday at the Elementary All-State Chorus Concert!!
1 day ago, Amy Brockman
5 students in front of IMEC backdrop
All-State Elementary and Junior High Choruses!!! BRMS has 5 students singing with these AMAZING groups today!! Go Broncos!
3 days ago, Amy Brockman
program for concert
audience at Peoria Civic Center
4th & 5th grade waiting to sing
The winners of the ball launcher! I am very proud of these boys. They worked together and fixed their launcher many times to get it to work the best.
4 days ago, Jennifer Oglesby
Thank you fourth graders for helping us get ready for our 3rd grade wax museum presentations on February 18!
4 days ago, Lauren Tuchek
wax museum
wax museum
wax museum
We are excited to welcome Officer Weeks from the Burr Ridge Police Department! He will be visiting the BRMS 5th graders to teach them the D.A.R.E. Program for the next 10 weeks!
5 days ago, Kristen Drain
AMJ Artists are busy creating Kindness Cards for Seniors
6 days ago, Tammy Yates
Today in 7th grade STEAM students competed to see who made the best ball launcher.
6 days ago, Jennifer Oglesby
Friendly Reminder to Parents- Semester 1 Report Cards have been posted in Skyward. Please log in and electronically sign and view your child's report card. If you need help accessing the portal, please complete this google form.
11 days ago, CCSD180
In STEAM class students had to build a tower with limited material and specific criteria.
12 days ago, Jennifer Oglesby
AMJES Artist in 3rd grade are working hard on their painting for the Wax Museum!
13 days ago, Tammy Yates
"His dream is my dream". This week Pre-k learned all about kindness and loving one another!
18 days ago, Megan Knecht
Classroom Photos
Continue to look draw and dream ! Thank you Bronco Artists for a great Semester! Our story isn't over yet....
18 days ago, Tammy Yates
18 days ago, Elaine Weil
7 th grade artist learning color mixing and value
18 days ago, Tammy Yates
Thank you to Linde in Burr Ridge for donating literacy packs to our 3rd and 4th grade students in honor of Martin Luther King Day.
18 days ago, Molly Moulis
4th grade Student Council representatives with Mr. Fyffe from Linde.
5th grade is snow much fun!
19 days ago, Kristen Drain
Thank You to the Hinsdale South Guidance Department for coming to BRMS to meet with our 8th Graders. Students were excited to pick their courses in preparation for their freshman year in the fall!
21 days ago, Rene DeGuzman
Hinsdale south guidance department meeting with students