Check out the BRMS Black History inspired art gallery in our BRMS library!
almost 2 years ago, Kristen Drain
BRMS Black History Art Gallery
The 3rd Graders celebrated Black History Month by creating a Living Wax Museum. Thank you to all of the parents who came to see the students' outstanding projects. For those that weren't able to join us on Friday, here are some of the highlights.
almost 2 years ago, Steve Braband
Willowbrook Corner After-school Program Presents: 1st Annual Black History Celebration! Students sang Lift Every Voice.
almost 2 years ago, CCSD180
students on stage singing lift every voice
Black History Classroom Leaders
almost 2 years ago, CCSD180
black history classroom leaders
black history class leaders and AMJ staff.
February incentive and dance party.
almost 2 years ago, 7th Grade Team
showing off his moves
getting ready for the cha-cha slide
showing off his moves
look at my moves
1st grade having fun
Mrs. McCarthy’s February winner
Wouldn't be a Friday without playing Just Dance in dance class! I think it's safe to say Waka Waka is our favorite!
almost 2 years ago, Lauren Gadomski
students playing just dance
students playing just dance
students make a pretend bike in just dance
5th and 6th graders write essays about the Civil Rights Movement!
almost 2 years ago, Kristen Drain
5th and 6th graders write essays about the Civil Rights Movement!
The students in Pre-K are learning about buildings. They saw a real building being put together in a time-lapse youtube and learned about the essential parts of a building (don't forget the foundation)! They are drawing their own buildings and then try to build them with different materials.
almost 2 years ago, Elaine Weil
drawing and coloring a building
designing a home
drawing a dream home
team work in building
building in pre k
BRMS Art Students celebrating Black History Month
almost 2 years ago, Tammy Yates
7 th grade
7th grade
8 th grade
6 th grade
8 th grade
7 th grade
8 th grade
BRMS Art students celebrating Black History Month!
almost 2 years ago, Tammy Yates
7 th grade
8 th grade
8 th grade
8 th grade
8 th grade
7 th grade
8 th grade
8 th grade
7 th grade
6 th grade
Such an exciting day for 2nd Grade students and teachers seeing a live performance of Charlotte's Web in a classic theatre!
almost 2 years ago, Mindy Ryan
Play performance scene
Can you feel the excitement?
Fun times at the Chicago Wolves game today with our 6th graders!
almost 2 years ago, Bekime Xheraj
Two thumbs up!
Great seats!
How cool is this!
One of the district's health care clinic partners, SAMS, the Syrian American Medical Association's community, has been heavily impacted after the recent earthquake. Click the link below to read more.
almost 2 years ago, CCSD180
Syria Earthquake Relief
Third grade is getting ready for their living museum presentation next week by making their posters!
almost 2 years ago, Lauren Tuchek
third grade students making their posters
third grade students making their posters
third grade students making their posters
third grade students making their posters
Kindergarten and 1st grade students in the Ramped Up Reading Club read about kindness and had fun making Valentine's to spread kindness to someone else.
almost 2 years ago, Molly Moulis
Ramped Up Reading Club
Ramped Up Reading Club
Ramped Up Reading Club
Spreading kindness and love on Valentine's Day!
almost 2 years ago, CCSD180
Love everyone acrostic poem
All you need is Love
We love AMJ Hearts
Student with Heart Shaped glasses
Valentime to be Kind
Another fun day reading with our Pre-K buddies. As soon as we leave, the third graders are already asking when we get to go back.
almost 2 years ago, Elizabeth Valtman
The pre-k students measured ingredients, and followed a recipe to warm up with blueberry muffin cake.
almost 2 years ago, CCSD180
Pre-k showing off their homemade blueberry cake
CCSD180 BOE is proud to announce Lauren Tuchek, 3rd Grade teacher, has been selected to receive the ISBE's Award of Special Recognition in the Early Career Educator category as part of the Those Who Excel Teacher awards. @ISBEnews
almost 2 years ago, CCSD180
Lauren Tuchek
5th graders thankful for healthy snack.
almost 2 years ago, Christine Bazon
5th graders thankful for healthy snack.