4th Graders doing research to compare and contrast during writing
over 2 years ago, 7th Grade Team
filling out graphic organizers on research
working hard
One of our third grade students prepared a demonstration to teach his classmates the steps needed to make a snowflake. Everyone loved helping create snowflake decorations for the room!
over 2 years ago, Sharon Rossi
3rd grade students with their snowflakes
Third grade student demonstrating the steps to make a snowflake
Third grade student teaching a peer how to make a snowflake
Third grade students displaying their snowflakes
In an effort to gain input from parents who currently have children attending Burr Ridge School District 180, please take a few moments to complete this survey.  The Parent Survey will be open until December 2nd.  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K35KJD7
over 2 years ago, CCSD180
Thanksgiving decimal operations review with my 6th grade mathematicians!
over 2 years ago, Bekime Xheraj
I love math!
So much fun!
Collaboration is key!
We got this!
6th grade super star readers earned an ice cream party today!
over 2 years ago, Alisha LaCassa
6th grade ice cream party
5th is playing with their food….they created a “gobbler” and wrote a how-to paragraph explaining their steps.
over 2 years ago, Christine Bazon
gobble gobble
Eat more chicken…..
gobble gobble
Number 1 turkey
Pre-K water color creations
over 2 years ago, Elaine Weil
Water color creations
Water color creations
water color creations
More Pre-K Box Study Pictures What is corrugation?
over 2 years ago, Elaine Weil
More Box study
Box Study
Box Study
Box Study
Pre-K Box Study
over 2 years ago, Elaine Weil
Box Study in Pre-K
Box Study
Box Study
Box Study
Pre-K made, shared, and ate pumpkin bread and muffins.
over 2 years ago, Elaine Weil
Mixing pumpkin batter
Mixing pumpkin muffin batter
Making pumpkin bread
Tasting pumpkin muffins
Members of the AMJ student council travelled to King Bruwaert House in Burr Ridge this morning to share Thanksgiving cheer. They recited Thanksgiving poems, visited with residents and delivered cards and bookmarks made by our students.
over 2 years ago, Meghan Radtke
Student Council members gather in front of King Bruwaert House.
Students recite a poem for the residents.
The residents were so pleased to visit with our students.
Our students enjoyed meeting the residents.
Reading narratives!
over 2 years ago, Ashley Fowler
narrative reading
narrative reading
narrative reading
Miss Fowler's/ Mrs. James fourth grade class enjoys indoor recess time.
over 2 years ago, Ashley Fowler
Miss Fowler's class works together to play bingo during indoor recess.
Having fun coloring together during indoor recess.
Below is the link to the BRMS Student Council spirit wear store! This store will be open from now through November 30th with a ship date of no later than Dec. 19th. Orders will be distributed to students at school unless I am contacted to hold an order for parent pick up. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Drain at kdrain@ccsd180.org https://eichssports.chipply.com/BRMS2022/
over 2 years ago, CCSD180
Pre-K went to the "Winnie the Pooh " play at the Tivoli theater in Downers Grove.
over 2 years ago, Elaine Weil
bus ride to the play
Winnie the Pooh Stage
Meeting the actors
Meeting the actors
Mrs. Bazon’s class learning about place value, using a place value chart to help us learn
over 2 years ago, Patti Purpura
place value
Ubuntu club students creating and sharing blessings for the holiday!
over 2 years ago, Kanisha Evans
Thanksgiving door decorations!
Handmade Thanksgiving dinner centerpieces!
Creative fun!
Beautiful Boutique made by Ubuntu student!
3rd grade works in groups to unscramble sentences about biomes during ELA.
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Valtman
Burr Ridge 8th grade Band students performed with the Hinsdale South Wind Symphony this morning.
over 2 years ago, Carol Collins
8th Grade feeder school band students performing with the Hinsdale South Wind Symphony.
Burr Ridge 8th grade Band Students: Verena G, Olivia F, Jmar P, Donovan P, Jordan D, and Arjon S.
Fall fun with Environmental club! Leafy bookmarks and scarecrow cookies!
over 2 years ago, Kristen Drain
scarecrow cookies
scarecrow cookies
leaf hunting